Wild West FM - Dead Chat

We had 1 hit scum.
But like, the ITA chance when hitting a town member is like “I will allow this to hit”

I love ITAs so much and usually do much better with them so I hope to make up for it next time.
INB4 next time is as scum though

No, I was shot by another wolf

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Oh, yeah.
I missed the Town bit in front of the ITAs.
That is a sad fact.

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That’s like some next level bussing right there

My Katze passive expired, clearly

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Will app be joining us? Let’s see

uni @ app
@discobot roll 1d100

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:game_die: 61

shit wrong chat

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@discobot will app die?

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Lol unkillable

Oh god people are shooting again

Damn. Wanted that to hit

We’re so screwed
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vul is a nerd
appel will hardcarry

I predict that Appel’s gonna jump off a cliff after seeing town spend 6 of their shots trying to kill Vully and Vully flipping town

Ahhh look at this, they all shot at the same time for some reason

Nvm you might be right… Appel might carry…

nvm we’re double fricked