Wild West FM - Dead Chat

i’ll think about it, kind of busy with class / ITAs right now so I can’t really like think

Is Yee claw an alt too?

crich literally slipped yee claw identity

Wouldn’t blame him.

A lot of people just didn’t bother to play until the EoD.

also what in the fuck is apprentice doing

Should I just invite him here now to spare me doing it in 5 minutes

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he’s openwolving
he is wolf

Where? I don’t see it.

not going to point it out in case yeeclaw doesn’t want identity revealed but it is in this chat

Why’s Yee claw have mercenary after his name in CRich’s second post?

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damn my aim sucks

besides yee, Its probably sulit, mole, intensify, and Whysper is my guess, do we get spoiled?

nevermind just read and found it… crap.

welcome cloned

@clonedcheese wrong chat type in here

@clonedcheese I see you typing, please don’t deadpost

(I don’t think it would be on purpose but I want to let you know)



deadbananas lock v

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that’s why