Wild West FM - Dead Chat

Dang sorry you were yee hawed Mist.


spec chat is

gravely upset about you being shot

“spec chat” being mainly arete

arete also says they love u and u deserved better


send this to arete for me


How to seriously improve town play on this site.

Point #194852: Stop OMGUSing. Killing a blatantly obvious villager and a member of the towncore just because they suspected you is… literally Zone-level of gamethrowing.


I thought 6v19 felt unbalanced after surge yeet

but I remembered why I didn’t make it something like 7v20

and it was because town is godawful at ITAs

we need to get way better

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point #194853: don’t instantly give up the second you get put in PoE

intensify/apprentice just sitting down and not solving was super frustrating


game should’ve been 4v21 considering this site’s town

Initiative to improve townplay on this site:

Don’t make shitty hero shots

if you do make hero shots, don’t do it while you are fucking DRUNK holy shit hahahaha


Whether we win the game or lose the game is beside the argument. You shooting me, if you are a villager, is probably the worst single ITA shot in the history of ITA shots that I have ever seen, in my entire life, in 3 years, on MU, on POG, and I’ve been a host for 2 of them and played dozens. It is potentially one of the most anti-town actions I’ve laid my eyes on in my entire WW career. It is atrocious, dumbfounding, and inexcusable, and close to the border of gamethrowing. And sullies your entire effort to the game, so that your biggest contribution to the game is one in which you are literally indistinguishable to an outted wolf whose team has been decimated so far. Indeed, if you are a villager then wolves got an extra wolf, meaning that YOU ALONE are responsible for making this setup wolfsided. Think about that for a second.


this hits completely different when you realize that it applies perfectly to this game and stops being a shitpost

thank you that’s exactly what I was getting at

im sorry for this play


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Geez town, why do they always do the most ridiculous things when I’m sleeping?
Probably just as well, I’d be losing my sanity watching that car crash happen.

hello mole land


I’m lookimg forward to the 3 mislynches I get as town if I ever roll it again

Why the fuq is mist here

I leave for a class and she ded, also hey mole

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Pkr shot him :laughing: