Wild West FM - Dead Chat

i hadn’t even noticed when they joined i just assumed they were a normal player f


Tbh I just assume every new person I meet is an alt now


yes i’m secretly alice’s third account didn’t you know?
clearly i need to brush up on alts did i forget what they were yes i did


I suppose that is the advantage of attempting to act townie is that when you flip as scum your reads are really are to interpret

Exactly 0 wolves lol


Same with this.

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@Thunal33 becareful quoting.

Select the timestamp and copy the link instead of quoting from the topic because it shows you writing

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Ok I’ll try to do that.

yikes this is frustrating
i can’t blame vul tho i was also incredibly frustrated

hnggg don’t get a successful shot on vul

I really want one of these shots to hit lol

lmao well i’m sure you do

Another miss :frowning:

f in the chat y’all

Disappointed these shots keep missing

discobot said suffer

I am don’t worry



How is it so?

you’re the one watching your team coast to a free win