Wild West FM - Dead Chat

Eevee was the NK? That’s odd, he was definitely a misyeet option.

Then again pretty much everyone is at this point.

The idea is to pit wazza/gorta against the towncore (aka vulgard) and get a bad crossvote that way

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well i suppose it’s working

Likely to work?
Yeah, probably

Nah they have to be itt first

can I like this pls

i would if i could that was needed

Bets he manages this?


No Centuries 1vs1 today it seems.

Yay. Gg ez no re

Lol I’m dead chat top poster

gg mole tho!

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This is common tbh

first someone thought Anagram p1 was Alice

now someone thought RangerCecil was Chloe


like im honored but


Just so you know, I would have likely made the same opening or something very similar if I was town. That’s just my personality. I know that some people have this strict view that every town has to start out with a joke/meme or intense solving or something like that and can’t just do these friendly or light-hearted openings. But that’s not going to be every player and I don’t think it should be. I don’t think I’d ever be jokey. That’s just not me.


Awww, sorry for that. I truly felt bad about having to fool all these people who trusted me. But I’d certainly love if we could be friends as well. :grinning:

I mean you entered the thread completely clueless of what to do

Hmm, I won’t disagree. :slight_smile: But at the same time, in the future, even if/when I do get better at knowing what to do, I will likely still have a friendly opening. I don’t see why that’s wrong to start off that way. :grinning: