Wild West FM Signups (FULL)

Are you an alt

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Hello boomer.


Hol up


Welcome Back Luxy!

/Ita Trochilidae

@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 82

Also please stop spamming with the itas in this thread. Lets not clutter it



alright fine.

As fun as this game will be, lets wait until it starts before sending ITA requests.

No, we should be contributing to the problem, not deterring from it!

You should run as a politician

I specifically returned for your mash, I decided to look at the forums a couple weeks back to see how it was going and saw your mash was coming up and I did promise to play it way back in March :wink:

/Imperial Ballista CRichard

Missed because of plot armor :^)

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u mean watch your mouth? insurgency was like may lol
