Wild West FM Signups (FULL)

Mass Pingus, part 1


Any interest?

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Mass Pingus, part 2


Any interest?

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damn universal gets his own post

very gamer of marshal


Thank you Marshal!


so are you in?

I am a bit intimidated by a lot of the players, especially after my failure in Danganronpa. But I will join in to get better as a player overall.



Also, this game will mark my one year anniversary of joining the forums :smiley:


didnā€™t you win

I still felt bad since after awhile I was drowned in work and couldnā€™t participate as much as I would like. I also didnā€™t do much other than guard the hallway, and when I lost Marshal I began to self-destruct. I just wish I couldā€™ve done more

Happy anniversary. I donā€™t exactly remember when I joined, but I do remember that Insurgency was my first game.

Ah. Just checked and I joined May 14th of this year. I havenā€™t been here as long as I thought I had been. It feels like Iā€™ve been here a lot longer than I have.

I joined April 27thā€¦ hold on Iā€™m older than Leafia

not gonna lie iā€™m vaguely terrified here as well but that just makes it more fun right


Happens to all of us, donā€™t let it get you down

At the end of the day, it is a game

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Orangeeeee! How are you? And yes, I know I shouldnā€™t get too distracted by those faults. I just canā€™t help out. I kinda wanted to avenge Marshal but he was a complete ā€˜gamerā€™ as always and teamed up with PKR.


Thank you! I apologize for my late reply. And yes, I have felt like I have been here for ages despite just going past that 1 year mark. The community members are the best and they always make a game out to be as great as it can be! I donā€™t know where I would be forum-wise without them

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The mystery behind every player does add in a bit of spice to the game. But the problem for me is that I just enter every game believing every single person to have 10+ years of mafia experience with an entire library of resources for tactics and strategies and a personalize Marshalā€™s Guide to FM. It just makes me really second-guess my thoughts and endlessly debate with myself, all the while the game carries on and I end up disappointing everyone

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Not bad, hopefully youā€™ve been well :slight_smile:

dude Iā€™m only at 6 and Iā€™ve been around longer than most people on this site

Like Iā€™ve met and played with some players with 10/15/20 years

But itā€™s not a lot