Wild West FM Signups (FULL)

You do it like this fool

i go to the mall to get some milk
the mall has no milk
i go to the store to get some milk
my daughter doesnā€™t like the milk

How small can I go?

wait what happens if I do this

intensify no
only scum are able to read that

Oh god is this readable?

No, itā€™s not, at least not on my phone.

not even scum are able to read that

zoom in

skrrt skrrt

Thatā€™s what I did nerd

Wait and you still couldnā€™t read it >_>

he just needs glassess

How the hell do you think I responded to it


click reply then click the quote button


Imma just type in super smol text from now on, good luck.


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new phone who dis