Wild West FM Signups (FULL)

Guys, my ice birb is telling me that the next person to join this FM will get free cuddles from ice birb, soo uhh join plz.


I would join for those cuddles but Iā€™m already in the game.

Seeing as I chose to be co host rather than play, it seems Iā€™ll be missing out on cuddles.

I think you can still back out

if they play ill play

/vote Katze

katze caught scum

vote katze or looser

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is this legit?

@Intensify give cuddles

Will Eevee join?

I think eevee is recovering from something and said he wouldnā€™t be able to host an upcoming game, so thatā€™s almost definitely a no

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Lul I got flagged

itā€™s the flagpocalype

Man we still have a few posters who havenā€™t joined yet.

I think the implication to be made with the posters is that they are aware of the gameā€™s existence but have chosen not to /in.

(iā€™m assuming this isnā€™t actually a serious in)

Canā€™t. Will bw busy until the end of the month.

Iā€™m still blacklisted so no.

can you sub for us :point_right::point_left::flushed:

No Napoleon is replying to me.
Heā€™s a back up and isnā€™t joining for obvious reason.

Oh yes, I would like to remain spec now btw bc now it seems that we have enough backups