Wild West FM Signups (FULL)

But but but… my piplup is t-posing and asserting dominance… : (

Look at this good boi

I’d trust him 100%
If I ever saw a Turtwig I’d give it my credit card info

uhhhh, ok

that was your chance to post a Turtwig and ask for my credit card info and you missed it

Quick! If you give your credit card number right now, you can save a dying Turtwig!

Send pics or fake

meh I already have it anyways XD

Do you want me to make a dying Turtwig

Yes. Stab it. Let it bleed for the picture.


i only respect t-posing piplup now

_Dying Turtwig



you gave it a nice tongue

Another converted. : D

Its time to eradicate another cult

/ITA Intensify

@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 1

Roll for precision

Uhh frick I roll for Dex or something