Wild West FM Signups (FULL)

Shinichi / Wisp are the objectively borse combination

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brother said no

lol get dunked on

itā€™s you fools who have to wait for this to fill

Get fucked

Next person to join get this cowboy birb

U still gonna play without him?


if yā€™all bully me enough

Nah I ainā€™t a bully

Thatā€™s uhh one way to do it I guessā€¦

still relatable

My brother would never say yes but thatā€™s because heā€™s incapable of agreeing to something I suggest doing

idk why but he always wants to do what I want to do when Iā€™m like, just doing it, but if I ask him he literally never says yes

Itā€™s genuinely super annoying

One such as myself does not hesitate when facing a challenge
I will bypass the challenge entirely

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Just get a sister who is more obsessed with FM than you are


Iā€™m selling


I mean I could probably have guilted him into it but thatā€™s mean

Not interested

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Give me

Radical Sandwich Anarchist

as a title

wee woo wee woo

How much for the cat

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