Wild West FM Signups (FULL)


shrieks in awkward number



why 18% in particular

why not 15%
why not 20%

because I hate perfect numbers

more seriously 15 is a a little low-feeling and 20 is a little high-feeling so I made it 18 fight me



Large game may require back-ups so I guess I’ll be one.

Clearly the solution is to make ITA chance 81% :^)

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100% ITAs :eyes:

plz host this at one point

Half of the playerlist would get shot 5 minutes into D2.


“shot 5 mins into d2” not possible looser

Smh, 1 hour and 1 minute into D2.


Man you guys are never satisfied LUL.

Signups have been open for up to 4 hours and we already have 8 people signed up.
First come first served.

Excuse me is this 25p mountainous with ITAs

yes it is

That’s correct.


I am not used to Mountainous set ups.
But… this has ITAs.

So yee haw, I am gonna.

i wasn’t sure about joining because i am cöward but i see cowboy i said yehaw