Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

He either has godly reads
Or has utterly repulsive reads that make you want to puke

The in between does exist
But it’s never been recorded in history, so it’s a myth

Sup. I am an abomination.



aliceh ahhahahahaha

I can just start referring to you by my own gender pronouns if you want to emulate me so badly :thinking:


that aged very well didn’t it

The cowboys awaken to find chili splattered on the wall, But not just any chili. Trochilidae. The smell of the long gone bodies is starting to get to y’all.

Trochilidae has died! She was…

Town Cowboy

I mgith be asleep at SoD

I can post SoD, if you want.

vulgard alive ita vulgard!!!

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:joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat: Vulgod does it again :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:

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:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:
:joy_cat: PKR IS BOXED IN AYYY LMAO :joy_cat:
:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

It is only suboptimal play in a large majority of cases, so I’m totally fine with it having the reputation of throwing. Discussion of your mislynch is hardly ever clogging the thread. It’s one of your primary objectives as town, appear town.

Especially when like 99% of the time the town in question just doesn’t have the motivation to power through and try to dodge the lynch and just gives up, usually foregoing their main primary objective of finding and getting scum lynched.

Self-ITAing or asking to be shot is in the same vein and it’s making me lose some respect for the players in this game. :man_shrugging:

One instance of a self-sacrifice that I could get behind was between I think you and Marshal, where Marshal had a chance to let themselves die d2 after being the counterwagon d1 to a fellow town, so he ensured it was public info and let someone seen townier than him live. That was fine. Equally fine would have been for them to keep trying imo though.

Why do you do these things

That’s Alice, right?


Town will ITA incorrectly, and then ITA incorrectly again while trying to get out of MyLo.

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Never underestimate the town’s ability to self destruct.
That way you’ll never be disappointed.

someone unlock the thread

If mods can close thread on timer, why dont they use that basically always?

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i do not know