Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

Italy: ba ba da ba pa ba GASP! THAT GEYDE IS DEAD!

@Italy dont forget your lines

Yes. I am dead

haha internet shut off go brrr

aggressive script reading

why is the geyde dead

Do it.

Just rand town with me and setup wont be too bad.


what if we :flushed:

Randed masons :flushed:

on mafia colloseum :flushed:

arete and did this

arete died n1 and I replaced out d2

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i wanna rand masons with seth cause it gives me a free pass to 0post since heā€™ll claim for me

i guess this could apply to multiple other people

i wanna rand masons actually it just sounds fun tbh

I think we had like 1300 posts in masonchat by n1

main thread had like 200 posts

the fun level of randing masons scales directly with who the mason is

(itā€™s basically a hydra but you donā€™t get to choose your partner)

I had fun with arete mason becausue itā€™s arete and arete is cool

but I can imagine masons being really irritating to rand depending on who itā€™s with


sulit is a fun Mason partner



I like most of the forum so iā€™d be pretty happy to rand mason usually

I think about 65% of people I would actively enjoy randing mason with, 25% iā€™d be okay with, and then around 10% I probably would not have a good time with said mason

Derps was not technically a ā€œmasonā€

but I hardclaimed a 100% clear on him just on social reads which in hindsight was kind of stupid as fuck

and he was fun to be in the neighborhood with

imagine claiming a 100% clear on a neighbor based on social reads


I donā€™t think I blame you toooo much because of the flavortext

iirc it wasnā€™t ā€œclaiming masons when we know we arenā€™tā€ but rather ā€œI think we are masons so I will say we areā€

I was admittedly not happy because soolitRem was my like 1 correct wolfread but that game was scuffed anyways

with the whole ā€œgame moving sitesā€ and ā€œexecuting the innocent childā€ and then someone voting outside of the LyLo thunderdome

it sure was a game

Iā€™m still mad that they executed obvious villager Wisp rather than Mist just because there ā€œwasā€ ā€œaā€ ā€œredcheckā€


Link to game?

it starts here:

and finishes here:

because Mafia got banned on the first forum partway through the game

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i mean i guess i technically randed masons if you count Lie Detector Neutral katze + Lie Detector Town Kyo Simon as a masonry

and that was probably my least favorite FM game to date

it was a GI game and you randed one of like the 10000 shitty neuts in the thread