Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

the thing is
it’s sound logic
i actually have the habit of using other people’s typing styles if i spend too much time around them
if you were w/w and used :^) in wolfchat then mist could pick up on it
too bad marshal was wrong

i have the habit of using other people’s typing styles if i spend any time around them

i picked up :^) from my homesite a long time ago

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i think i started using :^) because of m15er cause i thought it was funny

but back in the day i had a friend who used it a lot and i got it from him, but when i stopped talking to him i stopped using it


I use :^) a ton because of m15’er now

i picked up :^) from katze
i picked up “nerd” from marshal
and i picked up “weh” from arete
probably some others too

i picked up weh from smartbomb
i picked up nerd from marshal as well, same with gamer/gaming
i’ve also picked up ayaya from katze but only when talking to ToL people

I picked up ayaya from katze/chloe
:^) from m15’er
I started calling kat cringe and now it’s in a feedback loop where we constantly call each other cringe
and of course alice taught me “looser”






Meanwhile my typing style really doesn’t change based on other people unless I make an effort to adopt something

For example, replacing :heart: with :orange_heart: was something I actively decided to do when I found out it existed

I do pick up phrases irl from others using them

The best example of this was one of our members making a few jokes when people used adjectives to describe things by sarcastically responding “you’re [insert adjective]” and by the end of the race the entire team was doing it (I still do it and although it hasn’t happened yet I’ll probably do it in like a job interview or something some day :frowning: ).

EoD in five minutes :wowee:

i’m a little preoccupied @CRichard564 my apologies can you handle EoD?

Wait really

Dude 36h flies by

Um the vote is tied.
So I need to rand who gets lynched.

@discobot roll 1d2

:game_die: 1