Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

Fucking rip ash

Thatā€™s tragic

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@CRichard564 give them a few mins just in case

So is Ash 1 and Wazza 2?

if they NK vulgard town has literally 0 direction and just loses

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I did it based on the order of your last VC

It doesnā€™t matter who is what as long as I donā€™t change it, itā€™s still 50/50

Technically Vulgard has been leading them in the wrong direction all this time.

But ash flipping town probably kicks his ass in gear tbh

Yeah but has Marshal set a precedence of rolling that in thread? has there been ties before?

Hard to be the only voice left and not re-evaluate everything

He rolled ties in thread???


If so do that I guess but like weird

Dat there havenā€™t been any ties

What are you on

No i was asking if he did?

Where is Marshal?
What is the numbering convention for random lynches?

im a bit tired and missed the has, added it in edit

Why the hell would you roll that in the thread

Man I hate tied votes.

It doesnā€™t matter

All that matters is that the people have an equal chance

You just set one and roll thats how it usually is.

I wasnā€™t advocating for it, I was just asking as some hosts do that and I didnā€™t want to mess it up

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Your last VC had ash on top (1) and wazza on the bottom (2)

Discobot chose 1

Thatā€™s an even 50/50 chance