Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

but what if they were actively trying to get me banned

I donā€™t need to

i dont think ive been accused of any heinous crimes yet

well i guess marshal made not-very-good-taste jokes about me in minecraft but yā€™know

thats marshal and also jokes :wowee:

bad plays arenā€™t gamethrowing
thinking somebody is wolf and acting on it isnā€™t gamethrowing
and for fucks sake
wait until the game ends at the very least, if theyā€™re wolf it could very well be pro-wincon

I am good boye

thinking im a wolf is gamethrowing


i posted a copypasta on an official thread and got permaā€™d

true story


hi good boye
Iā€™m geyde

Iā€™m sure no member of our moderation team would ever do anything like that! Members of the moderation team need to be able to issue fair punishments in keeping with our guidelines :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

Which pasta was this

Was this a TG thing or no because that was also ridiculous

ā€œhow dare you scumread me literal gamethrower you should be permanently banned from these forums donā€™t ever play a game here againā€

It was the rickms one yeah

if i ever get banned here im 90% sure its going to be as a result of a copypasta tbh

I mean

It worked for me somehow lol

Thank you mass of angry voices yelling for my release

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I donā€™t know ToL community gossip so I donā€™t know what the passive-agressive :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: is about


ā€œoh look
those goalposts shifted by about 10 milesā€

Fucking rip

What makes you think Iā€™m being passive-aggressive? :slightly_smiling_face:

i want to see said copypasta

if you think its bannable dm me it on discord or something :eyes:

my copypastas file needs more entries

passive aggressively spams smiley faces

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