Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

real talk

ignoring the lolpkr moment what could i have done better this game from spec chat perspective?

they need more brain power than that

this but also itā€™s all umbrella stuff when people have very specific problems usually that such a thread doesnā€™t help fix

ā€¦not gotten shot

i donā€™t know you played really good and then died

consider how you approach lhf and associatives in general

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IMO been more forceful with shotlists or at the very least more solid with them and other things in general.

You were, FMPoV, the top villa or one of the top 2 villagers. I think it would have been better to have a shotlist of about 4-5 names and say that people have to shoot in these and take time to discuss it and really think of a good shotlist.

This game was very unorganized and still is due to the lack of a real leader figure, and personally I think it would have been better if you did take the leader figure role in a more concrete direction.

(I also agree with geyde that tiered shot lists are not good for ITA games, I personally think so becuase it allows people, wolves and villagers, to be able to justify honestlky terrible shots as ā€œspicyā€ shots instead of accomplishing what shotlists are meant to in the first place, which is to force wolves to use their KP on wolves and thin the PoE.)

You, for example, had leafia vs luxy as TvT. While both were hard tunneled I think it would have been better to make more of an effort to actually get them to re-eval instead of just kind of watching the trainwreck.

Tl;Dr: You were a not-stupid villager and I think you could have done better in reducing the stupidity of the other villagers

to be more specific

your general play was good
but there are bound to be issues in your play that donā€™t just stem from being unlucky (not necessarily true; just spitballing) per se
in particular:

  • biases are usually pretty common
  • clearing people off of tone when itā€™s a risky endeavor is poor
  • Gamestate reads can help clear lhf
  • Tiering your fucking shotlists

what do you mean on the gamestate read?

like I think that helped with leafia but idk how it would have with intensify/apprentice

I havenā€™t read all of thread
most of genuine improvement at mafia comes from self reflection rather than somebody telling you what to think

experimentation + effort -> result -> reflection
itā€™s a cycle

I will never self reflect I am perfect

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I personally disagree, I am pretty terrible at internally criticizing myself and I find it easier to reflect when people tell me what I did wrong in a constructive way.

Not really how to fix it per se

but what some holes in my game were

because I am internally and externally exactly the retrospecter and suck at self-reflection

this isnā€™t really true for everyone but I think being told what iā€™m doing wrong is at least helpful for me if I am actively looking to improve

seems about right

itā€™s kinda hard to self-reflect when i look back on this game and just have ā€œgot shot by a lolwillager for ??? reasonsā€ blocking my vision for it

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I read almost none of the game before you got shot soooooo

I read almost none of the game soooooo

I canā€™t read soooooo

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I donā€™t find ā€œwhat can I do betterā€ to be as helpful as ā€œwhat did I do wrongā€

because thereā€™s different solutions for everyone and everyone knows themselves best and knows what work for it.

But maybe thatā€™s just because iā€™m way better at problem solving than identifying problems and not everyone is me

to me it seems like the same question, just phrased more positively

ā€œwhat did i do this game that i need to/can improve onā€

I guess you are right

I read it more as ā€œhow can I do betterā€ which implies specific advice for improving certain facets of your game which I donā€™t find to be as constructive because advice can be given without flat out stating the problem itā€™s addressing and leads to it being less helpful

They are not even talking at all about any of the scum. This is hard to watch, but I also canā€™t look away.

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