Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

The initiative to improve town thread is just a disorganized mess. Someone could take the good bits from it, make an OP with those and then a discussion can follow, but now it’s just buried with salt from a bunch of disjointed games.

Anyone that is semi on the fence on improving (the target audience) won’t pick up on it in its current form.

Apprentice 6/9


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I was

i was literally typing to post htat

you suck

i thought you were so i did it faster


to pre-roll or not pre-roll eevee’s shot to see if it hits

that is the question

is eevee the only one with a shot

just his shot yes

then theres not much issue with it imo


I think it uses time-seeded randomization.



I like the element of suprise

also don’t tell anyone I said this but the reason I ask to be pinged for votes is not because it helps me keep track of them but it’s because it reminds me to do votecounts


im posting this in the main thread right now

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Do it u won’t.



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Pre-rolling doesn’t make it any less random?

Well, technically true.

“Random” doesn’t exist.

It takes the current time as a seed and does calculations and stuff on it to produce a “random” result.

Right so how does it matter whether he rolls now or later

the result will be different depending on when he rolls.

but does that like

make it any less of a 18% chance?

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