Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

I nullread people for shitposting unless they’re doing it well into the end of d1 or later.

Scumreading people for fluffing as soon as the game begins is absolutely senseless and I will wolread you for that.

for what it’s worth I don’t actually think SBPC is effective on this website in most cases (based on general trends I’ve noticed)

however it is known to be effective on sulit, and while it isn’t known to be effective on Whysper newbies are a group for which it tends to do better than rand

Whysper just had a hella awkward opening set of posts
Sulit literally just coasted

Literally it’s >>rand for this playerlist right now

irl isn’t an excuse when it’s been happening for multiple days in a row

Don’t defend people for no reason.

Hunt wolves instead of just making a wallpost once every 12 hours and doing nothing with your read.

Don’t base your entire worldview on OMGUS and preflips.

It shouldn’t be that hard.

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argument: DEFEATED


SBPC is actually inversely effective for me, but on most cases it works.

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If people don’t understand what they’re doing, getting a grip is hard as shit

And they clearly don’t
And haven’t

So yikes

i’m also reverse SBPC at this rate because I know hyperpostin is antitown and I do antitown things as not town

my last like 2 wolfgames i hyperposted a fuckton

my last 2 villa games I did not that

And people clear you regardless for ???
(ik why but still)

my alignment can be found by SBPC iff my alignment is non-NK neut

Update OP/title.

I know i’m doing among us right now i’m workjing on it

I just thought of eevee shooting Vul in like 6 hours and then complaining that OP mislead him.

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Are votes locked in LYLO?

What happens if LYLO is reached in the middle of the day?

If MyLo or LyLo hit in middle of day, votes become reset

ITA’s off in lylo only

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