Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

To be fair, last two games on MU I had were also shit…

miscs are generally more enjoyable because they are not usually team games and team games here suck because the teammates you get on this site are usually not going to be good and that will lead to you having less fun

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School is starting up again so people are playing shittier

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someone should run an invitational game or something for People Who Actually Intend To Try And Are Somewhat Competent

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I get to team with Dat/App/Zone all the fucking time in miscs
And those are the people I enjoy doing stupid shit with

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Bad idea


FM is bad
Miscs good

Miscs cannot be bad

No more FM

I am stumped at how to improve town winrate on this site at this point (without making setups more townsided) besides literally going into FM games myself, randing town and improving my play to the point where I can carry

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Make townsided setups.

Townsided AS FUCK.

which I like

am considering

because if I was (town) in this game there would be actual shotlists

I don’t know how good my reads would be but at least

There would be


Also having games where people don’t join just to fill them

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There were shotlists
They were bad because they were fucking tiered

shotlists where 1/2 of the game could be justifiably shot are not shotlists they are suggestions

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Stop hosting 18+ setups you derps

i dont want kids to play

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well then this forum will only have 3 people