Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

Usually there’s only one or at most two deepwolves in games like this.

Instead of finding the 1 deepwolf in the 7-person towncore, it’s easier to find the 5 wolves in the 9-person PoE.

Plus, this is a small site so people should be familiar with others’ ranges. A lot of people here simply cannot deepwolf to save their life so deepwolf paranoia over them is just nonsensical.



Ok but kat
vul might be tonally obviously villager


he was wrong. Town can’t be wrong. It’s literally not possible, must be a deepwolf.


If they’re wrong, they have to a wolf right?

I can deepwolf but this isn’t how I deepwolf

I guess this hasn’t been too different from Elements mash on a macro level but like

I very rarely toppost as wolf, I’d shoot slots like eevee over Moleland here as wolf

oh shit vulgard voted town didn’t he!!!

Like, a lot of people were wrong here as we had a ton of wolves with green cards.

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a thing I’ve noticed is that sometimes (not just here but in general), if town keeps miseliming, it’s because scum is controlling the thread and the towncore is full of wolves (Danganronpa FM on here would be an example, and I think ToS2399 would be as well although I was dead for most of it)

and other times it’s because wolves are going UTR and not really doing much, maybe with one deepwolf, and town keeps getting distracted eating itself alive killing wolfy villagers

but people really like assuming that if miselims are happening (…or if, like, they’re a villager in the PoE) that it must be because of the first thing



and the difference is in determining who’s slipped out of the PoE and why

lowposting!sulit and whysper slipping out without any real effort means that it’s just people being lazy about clears because of how the PoE villagers are acting


I mean i’d personally say ToS2399 only had 2 deep wolves out of 5 so it was probably a mix

but we were also literally gifted a kyo execution when he came in the last 10 minutes of the day, insulted everybody in-thread, said he tactically didn’t play the game for 47 hours and 50 minutes, and then tried to CFD on to me last-second

even in games with several deepwolves where scum has a ton of thread control it won’t usually be the case that all the wolves are deepwolves in my experience

my last post didn’t really make sense to me so i’ll provide an example

if you’ve got a game where literally everyone is doing a great job of posting villagery, and then there are slots like sulit and uni and whysp here, who are sort of coasting but still getting cleared, the people picking the clears are more likely wolves

if you’ve got a game where PoE villagers are being actively wolfy, and the people getting cleared are doing so for villagery posts, it’s more likely you’ve got villagers leading the thread who are making valid judgements on which PoE slots to kill and which to save

if you’ve got somewhere in between, like here, just do whatever this game didn’t do

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hmm yes the town here is made out of deepwolf - Famous last words of Wild West FM, 2020

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The KING of gutreads

conroy said in scumchat that he found this post so funny he couldn’t resist liking it

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derps is about to leave a last will in a game he isnt even playing just to call gorta a looser

Centuries just cannot hold back his emotions in scum chat LUL.
I don’t blame him for that.

dude gorta is a gamer don’t disrespect him

centuries jsut made this


hot take: “gutreads” literally don’t exist, they are just tonal reads that are poorly stated and are more difficult to argue against becuase of the skewed premise that it’s not in fact a tonal read and really just “gut” (which is impossible to either argue against or have a dialouge about).

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is there an actual difference between gutreads and tonal reads (either macro or micro) besides the fact that one says it’s a toneread and one says it’s a gutread