Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

if this hits im angry

PKR @ Mist

@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 18

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fuck you discobot



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you suck bot

add mist to spec chat 2020

ā€œare you fuckersā€ is lock V tho

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he wasnt fucking lying

okay im done

i just thought that was funny

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PKR unironically might have singlehandedly lost the game for town with that shot

because heā€™s not willing to accept that someone might possibly ā€¦ gasp ā€¦ scumread him

wait that post got 11 likes wtf lmao

i wouldnt go this far (unless PKR gets revenge ITAed for it which isnt unlikely)

i donā€™t think town is necessarily playing amazingly

but mist was one of the people i would consider NKing as a wolf here so that was

very ungamer

mist for specchat 2020

Mist is like

one of the few people actually doing anything to hold this town together and maintain anything resembling cohesion

@hosts can you tell Mist that spec chat loves her and that she deserved better

mist for spec chat 2020

chant it with me we can make this happen

why is intensify on shot lists

is it cause he was selfvoting all of D1 and selfvoting is scummy

cause like

hello openwolfer in towncore

his defense of seth mainly



this is mistā€™s response

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defending a player who is blatantly a wolf when they are a wolf as a wolf is fucking stupid