Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

what if you were good at fm

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what if you wanted to be amelia and host a game but anything happens


me: writes a case that intentionally misrepresents half of kat’s posts because I want to make her look as bad as possible and I know no one will actually re-read things, and since she’s the NK her flip won’t make me look bad

Gorta: ‘your case being different from that case makes you scum’

Gorta @ yee

@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 6

rip merc :sob:

i’m doing the shot ftr

so not counting that

what a neeeerd

what if orange wanted to help but marshal said im doing the shot ftr

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in game news

gorta @ yeeclaw

@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 1

That’s deliberately influencing your game


LMAO get fucked merc



looks like it didn’t matter anyways hahaha


what if marshal tried to save yeeclaw out of bias but modbot said 1

(to be clear the first part is a joke!!!)


first person to tell me why this post is mildly villagery (bearing in mind the context of who wrote it) gets a cookie

I was always going to do the shot

and before I saw the disco result I was not going to count whatever your result randed