Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

or something like that

okay but you’re not doing it to improve your play as the other alignment you’re just a bitch

or too strong, can’t tell which tbh

borderline cases are hard to punish because … it’s hard to figure out if someone is throwing on purpose, or just bad at the game

average player maturity is low enough that being strict is a bad move

italy intentionally not playing games at 100% because he knows he’ll start to get competitive if he does

italy intentionally not playing as scum because reasons

remember that time i rolled scum like four times in a row
that kinda killed it for me

id be pretty happy to get more wolfgames in tbh

but that’d require me to actually play FM

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Italy for some reason putting in 10x the effort when they’re self resolving

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italy rands IC and then 1000posts just to be locktown

Convert Italy to see post disparity

italy hardclaiming most powerful and self confirming town in a setup where literally every scum can strongman them and endgaming

Only one faction can strongman

it was reaper and unseen
so they could both just bop me
except reaper wasn’t occ immune :upside_down_face:


That game

FoL27 is still the best power move i’ve ever pulled
claiming prince day 1 and endgaming on day 10



Do I take a nap

Play P4

Or think about my champs votes more