Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

unfortunately this is a very very big if

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Itā€™s a 36h day

I suspect they lynch scum

Itā€™s definitely doable

counterpoint: image


Vulgard is still alive

Heā€™s at least decent at town


Ash and Vul have strong carry potential

Gorta actually is pretty good at support

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Thereā€™s still hope

40% of shots have hit

in an 18% hitrate game

disco wants blood


If I wasnā€™t so tired Iā€™d calculate the odds of that

Also one more lol

tfw Iā€™ve already surpassed the post cap

And probably most of the game

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just to see discoā€™s opinion on if yee-claw really deserved to die

roll 1d100

no acknowledgement is pretty harsh

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@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 32

:newspaper_roll: on Discobot

sounds like a maybe

You are all BANNED. Oh waitā€¦ no sorry, typo. Or was itā€¦
But seriously, this is the last iā€™m going to say about itā€¦ The logo was deemed inappropriate, by us. PERIOD. We at BMG are the ones ultimately responsible for the content of what appears on our site. We appreciate the moderatorā€™s help, but in the end if there is something we find inappropriate we have to act, even if that goes against popular opinion. These forums are here to allow our community a place to come together and talk all thing Town of Salem, it is our responsibility to make sure it is an opening and welcoming community. This sometimes means going to the extraordinary painful and burdensome process of asking you to change your sig to something more appropriate. If we ask you to change your sig because we find it inappropriate, change it. Arguing will not help the situation, just work with us to provide the best experience we can for everyone and we can all go on with our days, drama free. If you refuse to change it, we will simply remove you from the community via a forum ban. Itā€™s pretty simple. No one got banned without the opportunity to rectify the situation beforehand. They CHOSE not to.
Rick(soon to be fired by popular vote)ms

hereā€™s the copypasta you asked about

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