Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

Old ToS mods were all around chill af

Nowadays it’s the Trial System in-group which is pretty hit-or-miss tbh

our timezones are texas, texas and australia

can’t be bothered to actually say their names but it is a tad bit bunched together

i didn’t realize how many gmods there were huh


The ones that hang out with people like us are generally fine

Back in the day they were basically all cool, but a lot of them stepped down over the years

Also #RememberTheFebruaryRiots

who were the old gmods

i only know nelly arckas and ender

normal wolfchats
wild west wolfchat

horse slap

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“only” when talking about Nelly, Arckas, and ender smh

Valefor was an old mod p sure?

Probably forgetting one more

Also I thought Naru had left but apparently he just renamed himself á la M4x (who is also still around somehow lol)

But those guys

town has all of the pieces right in front of them this is so sad :frowning:

an attempt was made

posts that did not age well


I think wolves position is fragile in the long run.

town probably turns it around end of D3 ITA

probably goes into 8 people left with 2 wolves left

Centuries sails to late game because apparently scum never shoot other scum

my expectations for town are low given the number of villages I’ve seen throw away mechlocked wins

admittedly that number is ‘one’ but

it’s gonna be sulit and centuries vs like

pkr, intensify, apprentice, tro (rip), two more

ash and vul will be long dead, and with them, the hope of village winning

posts that aged considerably better

In that case
If literally anyone did their job it was town win

there’s definitely a few others but i’m too lazy to look

we need the initiative to worsen wolfplay on this site