Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

when i start actually playing it becomes a matter of winning
i came to win, i’m playing to win
then i start to get competitive

poisoner slot goat tho

i think my favorite part of marblelympics was how your team had our team listed as “MS, 2020” even though I’m the only one of the 3 who even plays on MS

sulit @ intenseboy

@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 34

cast aside logic
revenge shoot the butter

@Marshal I need you to deliver this to scumchat


shit that’s actually really good
i don’t know if we’re allowed to
but i 100% want to

nearly forgot that this wasn’t regular wild west thread

Why not

It’s not like outing the scumteam to the scumteam is a problem

i’m just a paranoid nerd who quintuple checks to make sure it’s allowed

thank you whysper, very cool

whypser @ PKR

@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 11

we got a hit boys

add PKR to spec chat so he can see us roasting him

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that’s actually probably bad for whysper

PKR is gone

they shoulda let him live to be a bullet sponge tomorrow
