Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

Actually, he’s still self-voting?

Should just self-pres like any sensible person.

wrong site my dude

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Honestly shoulda in marbles lmao

that proves my point yes

No but like I would actively like you more if you were more angery at ENV lel

you’re just super thirsty for confrontation in general

That was a joke my dude

Also I’m “thirsty for confrontation” only within the confines of a game because it breeds good stuff to analyze

Miss me with actual fights

I mean the only real thirstiness for confrontation I have seen from you is in-game

but I do think it is at least somewhat notable

That’s true :man_shrugging:

Nobody ever got anywhere in Mafia by sitting around and doing nothing lol

hot take positive interactions can be just as useful as negative ones

Confrontation =/= negative

Also @Marshal

nerd :^)

also Eric really likes ITAs

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he should come to this site we also love ITAs don’t we


He really does

:flushed: I don’t blame him :flushed:

:flushed: ITA’s kinda cute tho :flushed:

:flushed: :flushed: :flushed:

Bad Thunal.