Wild West Informed Spectator Chat


You changed your Forum name into your Discord name.

Don’t underestimate lolwillage.

Anything is possible.

7 for one
Nice value


official rebranding

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Whysper’s SoD comment is so fucking scummy holy shit

Pretty sure Whysper signed her death warrant there.

I simultaneously want to be in deadchat and 5000 miles away from it right now.

it’s almost like i told people that cecil’s PoE would be <rand accurate as explicit legacy

Puts Wazza to scum lean.

They’re almost there but taking the wrong path again.

Sort by thread influence. Great idea.

isn’t that like

the literal opposite of the theorem of threadreads


I can’t wait to see everybody shoot in the first half hour

also ash is best boy

first ten minutes*

I think they’re going to be cautious this time which will be very boring to watch.

Somehow I doubt it

this is FoL town
i expect nothing more than an instant waste of half their shots

Fine, wanna bet on how many ITA’s in first hour?

Too much dependence on who’s online