Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

This is why ITA phases are the way


I kinda expect follow-up tho

ash @ app

@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 55


troch next?

this game is just a big argument to why we shouldnā€™t give everyone conditional public dayvigs

Whatā€™s conditional about them?

18% chance to hit


this part is so the body seems clear

also in sf5 they could only shoot the person in front of them
just see how that one went

Thatā€™s not really a condition but whatever.

I donā€™t think thatā€™s what conditional is

usually it means there has to be a certain set of conditions for an ability to activate (for example, a slank vigilante is conditional KP)

you could argue the 18% chance is conditional but it doesnā€™t really fit

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stop derailing my argument with facts

just shoot wolves ez

people do not seem to be following this advice

Vulgard has pendulum reads case 150

vul has 3/4
oh god oh fuck
itā€™s happening

Ash is so hilariously wrong it physically hurts



0/4 and didnā€™t predict the NK correctly

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