Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

Town found out one the only possible ways to lose this setup
They played so inhumanly bad that I don’t think you could play worse unless you literally gamethrew

Let me put this in perspective

Town had a rock solid 7 man towncore at end of day 1:


Town has killed as many players from this core as wolves have
With Wazza’s current play, it appears like town will somehow kill more

Using contextual one rather than guesswork

After an intense and heated discussion among the remaining players, a few cowboys began walking towards [exed]. [exed] begged and pleaded for their life, but before their concerns were heard the bandits all rushed at [exed] with knives and the cowboys were helpless to stop them.

As [exed]'s body laid on the ground, the bandits each pulled out a gun and each pointed their guns at the remaining 4 cowboys. In an instant, 4 more bangs ran out. The heroes and protectors of the town and surrounding areas were gone. The bandits were barely harmed.

In the distance they saw Marshal and Crichard leading the sheriff and a few armed men to the cave. The bandits had to be quick, and decided to leave one final message on the walls, written in the blood of the very people they had just slaughtered.

Screen Shot 2020-09-01 at 6.07.59 PM

The town can no longer win the game, so The Mafia Have won!

Congratulations to…



You need to make fun of people for killing Vulgard

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if it’s vul i’ll add a little extra clause

As Vulgard’s body laid on the ground, people took note of the very obvious “I AM A COWBOY” forehead tattoo. Wonder how they missed that. While they pondered this error, the bandits each pulled out a gun and each pointed their guns at the remaining 4 cowboys. In an instant, 4 more bangs ran out. The heroes and protectors of the town and surrounding areas were gone. The bandits were barely harmed.


The remaining cowboys took out their weapons in a desperate attempt to take down Marshal and CRichard.
They succeeded.

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very good flavor bot

i immediatley regretted making this statement

the sherrif and armed men were spec chat

we were on a mission to roast town postgame


Oh right

this game i enjoyed seeing you talk angrily about townplay on this site

If you want more
Join any vc

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you aren’t even in any of the vc’s :joy_cat:

But ass

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“plus there was a random ghost among the group, who looked particularly miffed”


“you catch a glimse of her bapping another ghost”

“in the distance you see a gaudium cattus”

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remember tos2399 and proper lylo and forcing good crossvotes, yeah it seems town forgot this


@Marshal do you end the game immediately if town votes town