[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

You weren’t when you said that, but I was just confused as to why you were bolding their name in the vc. I see now that it was in response to everyone else asking you why you even mentioned bussing, so my bad.

Actually yeah I’d buy that lol.

Okay? Welcome to the second half of my statement “heal claim from Maple”

Moving on, can we look at someone else’s slot? We’re still waiting on Shurian but I want to look at Derps and Illwei more at the moment.

First couple of posts from Light.

All of these are mostly general and decent thoughts I think are kinda towny.

I mean sure. Give me your opinions on them, cause I most of them down near my Nulls

intensify do you have any actual scumreads if you aren’t scumreading those slots

like you don’t have to have scumreads on d1 i guess?
but now you really need to think about who you actually want to kill

That’s the point.

Eli is trying to cover, but they messed up what to claim.

Considering how effective is covid considering his new species is able to infect domestic animals much more efficiently.

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Also, merry Christmas Eve to everyone

i gotta go do christmas eve things :tm:

What the fuck is actually this.

Merry Christmas from Singapore!

My four locktown are Eevee and the 3 horsemen on Marl from Wagonomics. Eli’s self pres makes it 100% confirmed they’re town and night actions wise also confirm that as such.

Min was the first person on Marl and unless leading a bus would not make sense for them to be scum.

Windward as I remain has always been town ever since I saw the way he lowered me instantly as he was being confused on me voting directly after min for no reason at all.

I’m curious to PKR’s EOD activity, SDA in general and Light’s boardstate analysis. These are my scum leans as of now.

I’m looking into Intensify, Illwei and Arctix as time goes on, and will try to answer any questions that are thrown at me.

And I’ll need to find Maple’s questions directed at me somewhere as well. I can’t remember where so it’ll take some time.

so the first game-related thing that Derps said was that PKR seems like town to him.

the second TR he gave was to Shurian.

hasn’t done this yet btw

shading Maple, shading me

this was in response to min already claiming JoaT, regardless of whether min was telling the truth, because Derps didn’t think they should have outed (but tbf min was top wagon).

Derps had pretty buyable arguments for scumreading me. They line up with everyone else’s feelings on my mess of a D1, and the explanation seemed genuine to me when I was reading it. This is also why I didn’t think it was worth OMGUS voting him (while Marl’s scumread on me was much weaker, even though they had plenty of opportunity to build it up).

Derps looked a lot more uncertain on his read on me when he said this. I questioned him and he said he needed to look into things more.

He was trying to get me to list my readlist or explain why I didn’t trust my own reads here. It looks like Derps decided I might not be scum at that point and took his vote off me. I wasn’t really sure if that was AI at all or not.

Here Derps asked me to explain my top scum at the time (Marl) which i did, but I was still pretty unconfident in my read. Derps made sure to unvote me (I guess for the second time?) and voted Light instead, saying his content was underwhelming when I asked why.

He advised Arctic not to exe for info, and said to pick the wolfier one between Marl and me.

when min asked who to vote, Derps said to vote Light (despite previously saying he didn’t particularly scumread him but just found him to be underwhelming). He also told Eevee I might be town.

Derps seemed like he was pushing Light again at the start of the day, to an extent, but I wasn’t really sure how to read it. But he decided to park his vote on PKR, which I find interesting considering how I think Marl may have spewed PKR as town.

I know I’m supposed to give an opinion and not just ISO and explain all of the posts, but I feel like Derps is a little underwhelming and I could see a potential red flag where Derps unvoted me roughly around the time I decided to scumlean on Marl. Self-pres? or was I just convincing enough? idk.

eww formatting, I should’ve hidden the details. oops.

What do you think about Marl’s spew?

I’m thinking the spew could be most likely on purpose. Marl is too much of a wildcard to not go and spew scummates as town.

I also read that I shouldnt be keeping details to myself on a certain website so >_>

Back to reading.

Well, here’s the thing. By the same logic that I said it’s very possible there’s no scum in Marl’s dartboard because they probably knew we’d try to look there, they also could’ve spewed a scummate as town, so I need to look into PKR’s slot more independently to get a better read. Nothing PKR has done so far really pinged me as scummy, but I’m also not reading thread activity as being AI since it’s Christmas and people are busy doing family things or otherwise on break or studying for exams.

I’ll look more into PKR’s posts and probably have to ISO him to get a better feel for his slot, but I’d still put him higher on my list than Derps, Illwei and Light for now. I had PKR high on my list as a townlean during all of D1 up until EoD, and I’m pretty undecided about the turbulence of that list after Marl’s flip and the lack of nightkill (which, may I say, makes me pretty disappointed in the scumteam since one member got killed and then they didn’t even manage to pull off a factional kill, as they could have let the JoaTs waste their protective actions and rando kill a VT).

Speaking of which, is it bad I’m taking into account the lack of nightkill when attempting PoE?

Not gonna be very active for a while btw