[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

uh yeah not gonna lie i forgot derps was on your wagon

again from your perspective this was obvious because you only had 1 scumread to deal with

from my point of view you two were equally wolfy in different ways and your flip would have given us more info than a marl flip if we hit v

Intensify first, Light next and then Illwei.


I donā€™t see any scum vibes from Intensify. Sure Bed Wars and etc at the start, but the reads are progressive and stuff, and I did agree that Windā€™s wallposts are lacking in feasible content at that point in time. (I think Iā€™ve stated this somewhere as well).

Honestly itā€™s really just the fact that Iā€™ve had similar town reads of Wind while everyone was piling onto Wind for having a different tone.

Though, I think that last post of Day 1 was just rip. Not saying itā€™s bad, thatā€™s understandable, sometimes too much chaos is overwhelming.

Personally, JOAT Claims are a trap for people to fall into. Iā€™m fine with scum falling into that trap but please town donā€™t go charging and believing just any PR claims. Heck I can even claim Mafia JOAT to make this thread explode right now (Iā€™m not)

Lightā€¦ I have no idea why Iā€™m listing you as one of my ā€œ???ā€ reads. My notes all paint you in a good light when I read your posts just now.

The main interaction I can see from Light is between Light and Illwei. I guess I can touch the two of them together.

But First

After this commercial break of that random mislynch thing that I stated, I should clear that up firstā€¦

I did read some MU articles a while back so itā€™s kinda skewed that way, including that 10 worst mislynches in champs articleā€¦ and many stuffs.

They said something about scum needing some mislynch thing and something about momentum.

I am fully aware that people are voting me for pressure. Iā€™m looking at the gamestate yesterday when I finally saw the flip (Thank god it wasnā€™t Eli or Wind), Marl got oofed, and the only thing I had about him was ā€œ???ā€

There isnā€™t a world where I would have been killed (unless they randomize and hit me, which wouldnā€™t have made sense),
Because I was in the POE after getting under suspicion after the quick sheep vote on Eli without reason. I also didnt provide enough of my own reads (which in hindsight I should have let out),
Which would make it easy for people to first pressure vote me, then if I ā€œscumslipā€, quickly use that momentum to snowball onto the wagon.

Which was what I thought as Iā€™m pretty sure Marl has a good grasp on my mannerisms as town when I played FoL about a year or two back. I donā€™t see Marl not instructing the wolves to dig into my posts and push me from there, as the scum should be kinda demoralized right now and need to stay up no matter what.

Hmm did I just do something. Iā€™m having fun XD

Light and Illwei next.

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Oh shit oh fuck itā€™s huge


Your wallpost confuses me

I have a feeling Iā€™m misunderstanding that article badly.

Is it too early to apply those here

Uhh so what is your read on me exactly? Your post is kinda all over the place.

may I present to you Shurianā€™s post from D1
out of the nonposters, Marl flipped scum.
do we think anyone whoā€™s been very active could be scum? I know weā€™ve mostly been looking at the people with lower postcounts, but I still think we may have a wolf amongst the most active players, contrary to popular belief. However, I doubt we have two.

Iā€™m not actually ISOing Shurian at the moment so I donā€™t remember what the follow up was to this. But Iā€™m pulling this quote because I think it brings up an interesting point.

This is where they elaborated on the ā€œgroupingā€ idea.

Anyway, the point I was getting to in my previous post is:

The two remaining scum likely didnā€™t notice that Eli counterclaimed to Eevee. Otherwise they would not have roleblocked Eli and attacked Eevee. Someone was not paying attention, so they were not active in the thread at that time and also didnā€™t bother to read the thread thoroughly during the JoaT fiasco.

The people active during that point or immediately after were min, Eevee, Maple, Eli, Intensify, Illwei, and me. But Intensify caught up on the thread and got confused, Illwei came in to say that Iā€™m scum, and the four others were all JoaT (counter)claims. Light came in after Maple ccā€™d but before Eli did, and all he said was that the setup is worse than JoaT^2 (lol). Illwei expressed she was intimidated by Maple, Intensify went afk, Derps briefly appeared to say that voting town is antitown, Light said he wanted to vote min even more after min retracted their claim, Shurian posted a meme about reaction testing, people started changing their avatars, then Eli hardclaims JoaT B. Illwei is still present in the thread, votes and unvotes Eli, Light drops in to read the thread and think about Eli (but says his brother is making him drink) and sees Eliā€™s JoaT cc when I point it out. Light mentions a thunderdome between Eevee and Eli, so Iā€™m going to take this as a sign that I should actually clear Light from the scumlist.

Marl then appears and just says he wants to yeet PKR for suggesting we donā€™t vote a PR (particularly min). He posts some fluff and says most likely we will end up voting Eli out and that I can self-pres by voting Eli.

Shurian and PKR are the next to appear. Shurian elaborates on why they voted Eli immediately after min and says it was basically a reaction test to gain more content. They explain their ā€œgroupingā€ theory and suggest we check out Marl and PKR (if I understand their post correctly).

I think thereā€™s a while in between before anyone else appears, but the next one in is Arctic and he catches up on the thread. Notably, he quotes Eliā€™s JoaT B cc, so I know heā€™s also seen it.

Nobody else appears in the thread soon enough after the JoaT fiasco for me to consider them cleared for reading.

I would therefore like to clear Light and Arctic for noticing Eeveeā€™s and Eliā€™s conflicting JoaT B claims. I am not totally sure about Illwei, Intensify and Shurian, as they all went afk again before Eli counterclaimed.

I apologize for not formatting that timeline better.
it looks like ass.


Alright time to spend 20 minutes on 2 posts

I think I just tried to apply big game theories without understand how they really work.

I just realized itā€™s only been the second day and I shouldnā€™t be too relaxed.


Gamestate, Iā€™m in POE. No kills.
Scum needs comeback mislynch.

Iā€™m highest likely target before derps. Push me ez.

And Intensify is clear**. I note the last post because thatā€™s when you were visibly frustrated and confused as town and left for the day (Post 119 of your ISO), unless I missaw the posts because I think Post 120 was Day 2.
Reads were progressive and relatable (to me).

This right here
I find to be problematic.

His frustration looks very towny (and apparently my frustration looked scummy because I didnā€™t leave? lol) but because he left, I have no way of verifying when he saw Eliā€™s JoaT B counterclaim.

So he, Derps Shurian and Illwei are in my ā€œmay or may not have seen itā€ list, i.e., they still couldā€™ve made the mistake of trying to roleblock one and kill the other, assuming the JoaTs are actually who I think they are.

I was thinking

Min/Eevee/Maple as one group

Eli by their lonesome (thatā€™s why I unvoted)

PKR / Marl (from that one ā€œmemeā€ exchange I had before I left) though, itā€™s NAI.

I havent done that group analysis though.

I never did think you were scum in the first place tho :slight_smile:

this makes sense as a group because it pretty much only works as a group, and now that Marlā€™s flipped and the night results are in, theyā€™re towncleared (at least to me).

well, I know you didnā€™t. plenty of others did, though. Iā€™m just trying to figure out if thatā€™s TMI for you/Intensify or if itā€™s awkward reading on me because Iā€™m still more or less a newcomer. I donā€™t think anyone besides you two mentioned townreading me.

oh wait, Illwei mentioned my wallpost efforts looked towny, but then said something NAI that Iā€™d done was scummy, so idk.

Post 12 of my ISO will give you why I TR u from quite early on

yes, this. I saw it when you posted it, and I gave it thought then, but I didnā€™t see you change your view on me at all when some people who were null- or even townreading me switched to scumreading me later when I was blowing up in reaction to being wagoned.

on the one hand, that tells me you werenā€™t pinpointing me as an easy misyeet even though you could have. on the other hand, it could also indicate TMI if you decided to distance yourself from your scummates.

could go either way. shrug

me and my vague ā€œmaybe, maybe notā€ reads smh

I gotta work on developing them more.

Well if I were scum youā€™d be well marinated by now >:)

Top 10 Anime Betrayals

Ok cool. Question though, what did you find exactly scummy about bed wars? Like was it just because it was floof or whatever? Cause at that stage of the thread we were all just kinda randomly fluffposting or whatever for the most part.

Uhh why are you trying to apply an article onto here that you can only vaguely remember? Wouldnā€™t it be better to find it again first?

So you believe we have a deepwolf? Since all our higher posters are kinda townread I believe.

Ok so 2 things

  1. Didnā€™t we just address that Eli was lying? Since if he had known he was roadblocked, then shouldnā€™t there be a nightkill?
  2. Scum doesnā€™t necessarily have to talkā€¦ when they are watching the thread. They could just lurk or whatever for the most part.

I donā€™t believe this a great Light clear, however, I wouldnā€™t disagree that I think Light is town

Againā€¦ not exactly the best way to clear someone, but I donā€™t think those two are scum.

I meanā€¦ emotional clears or whatever AtE crap arenā€™t exactly that good of a clearā€¦ just sayingā€¦ but thanks?