[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

This here, too. Out of the blue.

What did I write there again XD

My notes designate th-
They’re at home… I’ll be reaching home in an hour…

Anyway the TLDR I remember is that it had a bunch of towny stuff on it and for some reason I had “???” on it. I also remember cancelling out and wanting to push further verdict when I read Light’s and Illwei’s interaction as I had those two left to analyse.

Dont tell me you’re a JOAT LOL

can we wagon illwei now

Scratch that*
I mean Night Kill target

What are you saying?
I pointed out this part where you randomly talked about me dying. Why would I have been killed? I’m not even relatively townread.

Merry Christmas

I’m gonna open presents and be alive later


Huh… that’s a good question
Because I just read through quite a bit of people, and you seemed like the most likely person I would have killed so…

Assume I’m scum with no allies.


I’d just send Arctic somewhere because that aggressive playstyle will buy me lots of time and cover. They’ll probably bury themselves in Maple or SDA given enough time. That’ll be the day one of those deathtunnels go through

SDA, PKR would most likely believe me due to my previous meta.

I would Marinate Wind to the point that he would taste like Teriyaki Sauce by the end of today. At least, I’d like to think I can do it.

Min, Eli, Eevee and Maple are nigh untouchable unless I don’t contest the flow, which I would most likely be doing by using Light’s death as a catalyst by going on the tangent “Why kill Light, why not JOAT?” before sussing all that JOAT fiesta again from D1. Will be blatantly pushing agenda

Don’t forget eevee was backing me up, but im sure that will change the moment I do the agenda pushing as scum

Illwei, Intensify are there but they at that point in time weren’t exactly confirmed or out of POE.

Light is inconspicuous, and yet the perfect target to kill without shining any light onto the remaining scum.

Illwei is under sus so that doesnt make sense.

Maybe potentially covering Illwei? (???) (Havent read Illwei and Light interaction so I dont have any info there)

So that’s why I woulda killed Light there. Wouldnt have been protected, no way.

Now to think of it
Intensify woulda been a good target as well

This is just a massive what if though >_>

no one is sending me anywhere
all of my deathtunnels are mine

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I dont even have to do anything XD

It’s good for getting more info tho. Maybe I should try that sometime :heart:

wind wasn’t even a deathtunnel at EoD
i was perfectly fine with killing marl too
my only demand was that we killed within wind/marl

I dunno
Im sure you said something about deathtunneling (DT) in the meme phase or something XD

I was thinking about that when I said the above. And when I think about DT, it’s often… on the wrong target, the ones I’ve seen… and done.

Deathtunneling dear Arete in Hand of Byzantinium who was a fragile investigator was… not the best idea I had.

I’m going to come forth and say I’ve had like 6 drinks so be prepared. I am here to do my stuff.

Liquid courage is coursing through me and I no longer feel like giving up. If you have any questions, hit me.

Whoever amongst you decided not to extend the day, I’m annoyed by. As discussion is literally almost always beneficial. Skipping an extra day means skipping tons of content. So everyone should have voted yes.

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Thank you for pointing this out. I’m not the only one who noticed this.

Also, I like Light’s post reading people based on Marl’s spews, although I’m still hesitant to place Maple and Intensify where he did.

Simple. Because Light was still somewhat scumread by EoD, so he was a potential ML setup. Which is also what Maple said, mind you. “mid-game ML” as per their words if you search for the quote.

This right here would be hard to do because I got spewed town by Marl’s flip. I think everyone knows that.

But that’s on Eevee to decide, not on you. So, no, I think Marl was the scum agenda pusher and the other two of you have not pushed as actively. You’ve been lurking as well and building your cases off of Marl’s dartboard, but since it was probably a bit unexpected that Marl would go down so early, you’ve had to sift through the player list to find other targets. You can’t touch Maple because of the JoaT thing, so the only way they’re scum is if they’re being the active scum that tries to spew themself as town by doing things that are normally considered too dumb for scum to do. But I have my doubts about that, and they’re definitely not the yeet target for today. Why they’re still claiming JoaT, though, I have no idea. I don’t think the TMI check works because a couple of us are pretty sure about the JoaT claims, so that would spew all of us as scum by that logic.

What is this, bussing a teammate or saying you scumread Illwei? I don’t understand what this is doing in your post.

Tell that to Eevee lol. I voted an extra day just for the purpose of discussion, and not because I wouldn’t be around anyway. But considering the inactivity here, I think the scum probably also voted against the extension, anyway.

That’s what I’m thinking.
I would say for us to get everyone to say whether or not they voted on extension but I doubt that scum would just admit to saying no :\

by marinade he means pocket

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Just chilling in a vent, waiting for the kill cooldown

Don’t mind me

Unfortunately most of my takes are so powerful that I pass out the moment I conceive of them. Until recently, I’ve kept the strongest takes behind a firewall as a courtesy to the elderly, weak, and infirm. But my most powerful take is this: Pikachu is too strong to keep alive.