[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Eevee is such an interesting nk lol

Good thing I healed them regardless

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Hey @Maple

A hint.

Kill cooldowns donā€™t decrease in vents.
Neither they do on cams.

Motion detect is VERY obvious choice here.

Yeah, Iā€™m gonna be attacked twice.
But that was said yesterday - attacking same person twice works.

There is small place for tricks here tho.
Itā€™s jailkeeper, meaning I can ROLEBLOCK the killer to begin with.

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Becouse min retracted from JOAT claim at end of day 1.
Meanwhile I was confirmed due to me knowing what min is claiming and signaling them.

Iā€™m not very surprised.

Either way @min

Iā€™m gonna jailkeep someone.

Problem is that if you motion detect themā€¦ you will see move due to my jailkeep AND possibly from scum JOAT.
Problematic, isnā€™t it?

Do you ahve any good solution for that?

Donā€™t motion detect

no they didnā€™t

eevee the mafia already know who the PRs are from last night
there is literally no point lying about it now
and in the off-chance evee is a real PR, that goes for everyone fakeclaiming

Yes they did? IIRC.

min admitted that it was a fake rescind after i pointed out it was obvious

Dude how is this NAI i legit told you in scumchat to start the wagon against me smh /s

never said it was Town AI, I was giving off a list of all the ā€œdefensesā€ that I could think of that I could possibly use, and why they would all be meaningless.
Iā€™m not putting a ton of effort into this game, because, as I said in the beginning, itā€™s hard to find the energy to do that when Iā€™m probably going to die early anyways.

My point was I canā€™t: I havenā€™t said anything particularly village-y, so I canā€™t use that. I wasnā€™t on Marl so I canā€™t use that- I even kinda advocated against killing Marl if you want to see it like that.

My question for you here is how would you see the conversation I had with wind if I was in your townreads already. would you see it the same way? would you see it as Wind trying to cover something up?

Iā€™d like to point out the bolded section to you, and for you to look through any of my previous posts if you feel like Iā€™m lying here.

Did in fact notice this. Just because I donā€™t say it out loud doesnā€™t mean that I didnā€™t notice. In fact, thought I did mention it aloud. idk.
Wait you mean for D1? I know you claimed, so thatā€™s a good point, no? because Maple claimed Joat 3 or whatnot, right? and not actually counterclaim to you. hm.

Imo, wolves have more self preservation instincts. I didnā€™t like what wind did there, because what I saw was her accepting the fact that she was going to die, thinking everyone had figured her out- then saw hope/scumbuddies reminded her not to give up yet, and suddenly 180ā€™d her attitude.
Yeah, I get that you can see this from a village perspective too, but if I actually pointed that out people would still call me sus for it :P.

Thereā€™s potential problems everywhere, I was having fun speculating that side of things :P. I still think that targeting both claims is better than targeting one of each. I think that even better than that would be to target a vt, but eh. those arenā€™t the scenarios that happened, so instead of saying why the wolves were stupid to do what they did, I was trying to think of how to explain what they did.

Yeah, this. We donā€™t know whether Eli was roleblocked or is scum, but the Mafia do, and pretending to be the role that Eli might be? Either we are going to kill him today, or youā€™re not Joat B. option three is that neither Eevee or Eli are Joats and theyā€™re both mafia but Iā€™m not going to explore that option xD.

they kind of did
only to appease the town tbh

the one reason that stands out to me as why min wasnā€™t targeted is because min was almost definitely a JoaT at the time of nightfall, and that meant it was likely JoaT B would try to protect them.

but they resolved that by roleblocking Eli so why the hell didnā€™t they attack min if they were going to do that? thatā€™s the piece Iā€™m missing and why I still think scum was sloppy/impulsive/not paying attention.

anyway, Eevee, if you want to hardclaim JoaT B and out Eli as scum, now would literally be the time to do it.
but you havenā€™t yet, which has me convinced youā€™re both town and one of you will be targeted tonight.

hey scum, get in the chat and explain wtf youā€™re doing.

eh, I meant that min did a weak claim retraction at the end of D1 and then admitted it was fake at the start of D2. so technically both Arctic and PKR are correct about it.

scum would be stupid here to target Eevee a second time, because Eli still has his jailkeep, so my guess is that Eli dies tonight in most scenarios.

if nobody dies tonight, Iā€™ve lost all faith in this game.

i wouldnā€™t see it any differently
because windā€™s argument makes sense in that if scum were paying attention they would have been almost unable to not pull off a nightkill
roleblocking one joat b claim and killing the other joat b claim makes literally no sense
you roleblock a joat a and kill a joat b or vice versa (in this case it was pretty clear that min would be on eevee rather than eli since they scumread eli), so all they had to do was rb min and kill eevee, and thatā€™s a guaranteed kill but maybe not on a PR

i donā€™t think youā€™re lying
i think you have had little motivation this entire game, but now even more so now that mafia are off to an incredibly bad start

so are you saying that you could see this being from town but just chose not to say it because it would make you appear more suspicious?
if you have a genuine read on someone then you say it regardless of how suspicious it may make you seem

/vote Maple

I wonā€™t ever claim I have a strong case against Maple. I also donā€™t have a strong case on them being town. Iā€™ll try to look over tonight and leave thoughts later.

Why is maple town, btw?

They did rescind it at end of day 1.
It was fake rescind, yes.

But that explains why I was attacked instead of min.
And that was PKRā€™s question.

Iā€™m saying that if you look hard enough you can see anything from either point of view.

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Illwei ArcticXI, Min 2/7
PokemonKidRyan SirDerpsAlot 1/7
SirDerpsAlot WindwardAway 1/7
Min Intensify 1/7
Maple Illwei 1/7

Ping me if this is incorrect