[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

people with the playstyle of hardly doing anything are going to be better at playing scum, naturally
i don’t know how you find it fun to play the way you do but each to their own

Yeah that one


Finding it fun and finding it successful are not necessarily the same thing lol

that was my PoE at SoD but i’m also willing to throw PKR into the mix

Ok can we get on topic now

It was 2 v 2 v 3.
It’s not as if my words are at all fucking unreasonable.
Don’t try me.

The only reason why it was not left to a rand or to a me lynch was because of Eli.
Not you or Maple.

Eevee used to put in effort

Until he realised the site was a bunch of babies back in 2018, and he stopped thinking

So get off your horse as if you were the leading force who got Marl killed.
You were nearly the forces who got Marl saved.

It was actually 3v2v1 onto Wind


Pkr swearing again I do not remember the last time I’ve seen you swear but it was scary for sure

see the problem here, if maple is a really good wolf, one of the best
he should be able to change his meta (probably)
therefore, we can’t meta him

We are on topic
I’m on board with yeeting any of those suggestions as they’re also in my PoE
I’m replacing Derps with Shurian because Derps is literally not here right now. Can deal with him tomorrow when he’s hopefully got a thread presence.

the key to werewolf is trying the least with maximum results

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No thanks to you or Eevee still

what’s with these self-incriminating statements

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Yes thats more or less where I’m at

I’m figuring out who I want my last 2 villagers of the day to be as well, that’s harder

Like ya’ll ever tried to meta a Mantichora, he created a MU article that I happen to be reading from right now.

Between Eli and Maple, they basically moved the plurality vote off of me and onto Marl, that’s what happened.

I literally unvoted lmao

yw for not deathtunneling you wind (?) :crazy_face: