[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Big brained eevee

Hope it works considering if it does we’re going to find scum

(I’ll also be alive lol)

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How’s everyone doing

mildly annoyed that I won’t be here EoD, but whatever

Also - I reserve right to veto one certain wagon.


are you going to tell us which it would be, or are you not going to say unless it forms?

(I’m only asking since it’s highly likely I won’t be here, so in that case I don’t want to leave my vote on someone you think is town)

I wonder if Derps is going to pop in before EoD

I saw him typing

I did too, that’s why I’m wondering, but I felt like it would be angleshooting to mention it lol

They are gonna show up.

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I desperately need a nap
The question is do I trust myself to wake up not only for this but for work

place a vote and then nap lol

Out of my 3-PoE, which is, huzzah, all cold takes, the one I’m more comfortable with voting atm is Illwei. Shurian as scum never wants to go “but lol y’all won’t vote me” because I totally would out of pure pettiness if I wanted to

Nappy is not playing this game.

Off I go
Into the big blue yonder

/vote Illwei @Arete

Literal zero game awarness.

Nappy is backup :^)

Fuck outed scum