[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

did… did they still really think eevee was a PR?

anyway this changes nothing for our theory that the mafia have people who aren’t paying attention
and if it wasn’t illwei, then i’m looking at PKR and Shurian

/vote Shurian

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Vote Count

Vote Target Voted By Votes
Shurian ArcticXI 1/6

Yes they did lol, or else that he was solving too much

Anyway I wrote a wallposts during the night but I don’t really know if it’s worth posting, meh

My bad, I was the only one around who could’ve unvoted Illwei and I didn’t, but I don’t really think you guys want my reasons as to why.

Arctic is clear as yk not the mafia joat btw

[!] Addendum: With 10 players alive, majority is 6.

I like how they tried twice to kill eevee specifically, though

Like I get the feeling scum came into the thread yesterday, saw eevee asking me why the hell I thought Eli was a JoaT, and then decided that was enough and left again. Lol.

Also, Derps never got the chance to come back before Maple hammered and I’d like his presence in the thread.

@SirDerpsAlot sup

/vote Shurian @Arete
just stopping in and dropping a vote here because they essentially openwolfed and quickhammered
danke schon

Maple quickhammered, not Shurian…

that was maple

maybe we should have light in the category of not knowing what’s going on after all


Light voted 6th on Illwei lol

/vote Maple @Arete
just stopping in and dropping a vote here because they essentially openwolfed and quickhammered
danke schon

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted By Votes
Shurian ArcticXI 1/6
Maple Light 1/6

Bold of you to assume I ever know what’s going on

Should we really scumread Maple because of the quickhammer, though? Even town knew we wouldn’t be at a disadvantage for misyeeting


/vote maple

Because we were at full town capacity
And yes I know Maple said that, but I think it’s because they saw the same thing I did.

I did write about that in my night analysis but I’m still not sure if it’s worth posting.