[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!


Gib your thoughts. Who is scum and who is town?


i guess
i just thought it was weird to think PKR was the JOAT

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If pkr is a wolf hes a goon

If heā€™s a wolf marl would have been bussing

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Hes a competent enough player iirc, so [vca]

Afk is the ~most likely scenario

this ^^^

meaning that one of them made a kill and one of them was jailkept, and the one who was jailkept did not make the kill but also got feedback (or lack thereof) indicating a block.

Oh interesting

That didnā€™t happen btw

itā€™s very obvious the one who was jailkept was not the killer, since Eevee died
and itā€™s also NOT obvious to the rest of us if or who Eli wouldā€™ve jailkept
so this is a TMI

also wait, how does PKR know he was roleblocked? do VTs get told they are roleblocked?

Pkr wasnā€™t role blocked

only people who take investigative actions are notified they were RBā€™d
otherwise, lack of feedback on your night action.
VTs would not know.

well yeah i figured, but the way he said he was made it seem like he somehow ā€˜knewā€™

that, and/or heā€™s fishing, which town shouldnā€™t be fishing for anyway

I was jailkept btw lol

I wish eli like

Softed it

Before he did this

Cuz now I donā€™t have md

then PKR tried to cop you lol


Mafia joat cop so useless in this game