[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!


  1. Roleblock a player
  2. Heal them from any attacks

So I am right that this could have been used to at least partially confirm me >.>
Confirm I hadn’t done the kill at least.

Well maybe

But I was jailkept last night

Oh nvm I read ty at wrong

That’s reasonable but I can still wish for something to have targeted me



Wonder if it’s worth asking the hosts if this is a standard jailkeep or if it’s modified from the standard definition.

I’m preeeetty sure this is standard.

Hmm. Well, I asked anyway and specified the interpretations to be clear.

Why I so low reeee

I literally already explained why

As far as forum mafia goes that’s standard but you never know


So because I’m producing content due to not being in the PoE area I’m scum??

/vote PKR

I’m fairly sure that Wind was talking about forum mafia standards…
After all… we are in FM

Stay on shurian reee

Are we just ignore that horrendous read?


I’d just not have the votes split between two of my wolf reads lol

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Now surely if anyone can call something performative, what Intesify just did is the definition of it.

I believe they’re the one who kept defending me… yet as soon as I say my read on them and they realise their plan failed, they go for me. Totally not suspicious here (/s)

in what world is shurian above wind lmao

In my world.



/vote Shurian