[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

in all seriousness, they have to work as a team now because if whichever of them we vote out today flips mafia, the other one is guaranteed to be voted out tomorrow regardless. I understand at least that much.

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so we have no reason to not kill you tomorrow regardless of shurianā€™s flip

All I can ask is for me to be checked in some capacity tonight.

I am almost tempted to let the yeet rand between the two of them.


Iā€™m not going to just let us ML 3 fucking times in a row.
I genuinely believe Shuri is town.

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yeah, letā€™s just let Eli neighborize PKR so that PKR can claim heā€™s been neighborized which does absolutely nothing except prove Eli.


Iā€™m trying to think what would actually clear PKR
he certainly wouldnā€™t be cleared if he got checked by a JoaT and the JoaT died the same night
and he wouldnā€™t be clear if he checked out as ā€œnot being present on a kill target on the night of the killā€ because there would be more than one mafia on every night before the night heā€™s checked, even if we yeet a wolf today.

Both might help semi clear me maybe

Maybe this too? Idk

Now think of it like this

When both of us Villagers pop

What will you do?
Regardless of PKRā€™s flip
Im gonna die
Then why would I bother protecting PKR lmao
Because I believe heā€™s town

Next, it is terrible play from town considering especially if one

Randing changes things. But

But you have to vote SDA NOW, what in the clouds is a backup scum, scum are just coasting along at this point. Of all the things in the world letā€™s just let the resident sleeper live who wont do anything

PKR Iā€™ll see u in dead chat XD

Im pretty sure thats been used tho

as in
if somebody isnā€™t scum heā€™s the next best option

Not like it matters
Im fucking dying XD

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That is clearly not the best option!!!

The highest probability of hitting a scum lies in a not-so-strong wolf which would always happen to be an inactive OR a low poster who will always sheep

howā€™s about

Weā€™re both dead, itā€™s just theyā€™re leaving me hanging and just ousting you immediately.
At least youā€™re put out of your misery and get to interact with Marl.

I guess Iā€™ll look forward to talking to you both in a few days irl


I need head pats


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Motion detector would clear you if there is only one mafia left tonight and the motion detector does not die.

Thatā€™s a big ā€œifā€.

Forensic investigator doesnā€™t really clear you if you had the other wolf make the kill on Eevee. Itā€™s pretty useless tbh, and remember the mafia JoaT can frame, so if it turned up as a kill trigger, you could just claim you were framed.

And again, you canā€™t be cleared for anything if the JoaT doing the check on you dies anyway.

Which is almost guaranteed to be Eli because Voyeur is the only action he has left, so he will simply die before sharing his results and thatā€™s that.

mmmmmā€¦ no
I didnā€™t see that written in the rules lol

policy kill SDA

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Can I just request that Min is killed over Eli?
Maybe Eli can save me so I wish Min could heal them