[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

The last thing I have to say is
The fixation on me and PKR is not a healthy thing.

Please for the love of pastries, discuss on other things, because if ya’ll are not going to budge on this, at least reread the rest because I’m going to flip villager today and NOTHING will change that.

The goal is to CLEAR villages and not find scum >_>

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it is both

We have 10 ppl left.

8 ppl left on Day 4.

6 on Day 5.


i have 5 solid town and without you two that leaves only 3 people to look at, and that becomes 2 after we policy kill SDA

have you not paid any attention to which actions were successfully used on which nights lol
min healed Eevee N1 and there were no deaths
min got no results N2 so they were jailkept by Eli

end of story

I don’t remember anyone saying we should ignore scumposts in a mafia game but ok

we lynched Marl D1 and he was a low poster

I said I wish.
Can you actually fucking READ my post instead of laughing at me and saying I’m not paying attention

And if it’s none of the 3 of us.
Then we lose.
End of

I understand that death tunnelling is not a healthy thing, but when your PoE literally only consists of 3 people, as Arctic said, you just pick which order to vote them out and roll with it.

I mean… this is what you said. I know you said “I wish” but I was referring also to the fact that you said “maybe Eli can save me” because he can’t.

And yall leave a fucking SLACKER as a coin flip over myself and Shuri?

so you don’t think derps is mafia?

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yep, then we lose, and we have a scum MVP candidate.

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I think he is.
But you’re choosing to leave it down to the fucking wire and that infuriates me

@SirDerpsAlot please get in here

That’s right, why did you lynch Marl D1? BECAUSE HE LOW POSTED

Leaving us non-confirmed slots- By eliminating the low posters first should get us town the game…

But nooooooo… let’s vote the active people who are “lockscum” for shitty content when content isnt necessarily everything

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I need to play more FM with you after this game because god you are all sorts of relatable moods rn

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I can’t explain but town aren’t omnipotent, I can’t remember what I thought properly 3 days ago

shurian has probably doubled their postcount in the last 15 minutes


I know this is going to fall on death ears.
But I want us to lynch SDA today.

If it’s wrong. Lynch me, not Shuri.
Out of SDA and Shuri, I am 90% sure SDA is the scum

Please please please don’t sacrifice Shuri in vain