[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Shurian has posted 153 times
PKR has posted 146 times

Light has posted 93 times
Min has posted 466 times
Maple has posted 365 times
Eli has posted 328 times
Arctic has posted 274 times
Intensify has posted 273 times
I have posted 633 times (now 634)

and Derps has posted 126 times

so who are the lowposters? Light, who you’re not pushing, and then Derps is very close in count to Shurian and PKR.

Happy now?

In fact I dont even remember why I clear people


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I remember SDA only posting like 10 posts.
Their presence has felt like nothing

I plea for the lynch order to be SDA, Me, Shuri.
But if SDA flips as I expect then we need to switch onto Intensify. Not me or Shuri

Reads SDA

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Illwei had shitty content and she was town, I’ll give you that. But you guys have literally mainly been active today. Not D1 and not D2 either (although Shurian got on toward the end).

These two statements are extremely weird when juxtaposed
Like, I get that you want Derps out, but do you want yourself out or do you want Intensify out???

When Derps flips, if they flip scum like I expect, I want Intensify out.
But if not then I beg you to always lynch me over Shuri.

how about no?
because the fact that you two are coordinating on Derps and not pointing fingers at each other all but confirms to me that you’re the scumteam.

Please Wind, you are wrong.
You are so very wrong.
Please please fucking please.

I’m offering myself as tomorrow’s sacrifice if we are wrong on SDA.

I’m losing my brain cells to this deathtunnel because that confirmation shows that Wind is in a big tunnel of his own.

This is fucking English

tbh i don’t know why they would be trying to lynch SDA as mafia

like he flips town then they both die

it doesn’t really achieve much for them

Derps is such an easy push for literally being nonexistent, it’s laughable


Alright PKR let’s take a break because they should really think of other stuff
Cant always tunnel onto us >_>

i’m almost tempted to vote SDA lol

I cant wait for

“They seemed so towny Idk why we lynched them at the end”

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They seem to be doing a pretty damn good job of it thus far.
I’m likely gonna have a bit of a drink.

Come back soothed.

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I’m not voting Derps unless he gets his ass in here and gives some sort of content so I can get a read on him.

The thing is he’s sitting at a null, everyone else is sitting at a townread, and you two are sitting at a scumread for me.

So in the order of my readlist, I would happily vote out either one of you before Derps, and then policy vote Derps out for not even being here.

not because i think pkr and shurian are town

more because i’m interested to see what they would try next when SDA flips

Wow, it’s almost like he’s not going to do it now so that he doesn’t get fucking lynched