[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

When he flips town
Guess we’ll die

When he flips scum
Holy shit they cant be both scum

I’m actually also wondering this

So let’s try a compromise

We vote one of PKR/Shurian out today, and consider Derps in the PoE for tomorrow with the other one who didn’t get voted out.

I’m honestly voting Min for MVP because they’re not getting onto our asses wrongly like this

if he doesn’t, I’m policy voting him anyway lol.

Oh no no no
We vote SDA 100%
There is no exceptions

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shurian, other than SDA who do you think the second mafia is?

You know let’s vote someone so that my POE is reduced but no one else in the POE gets cleared

No that aint the way

I think I’m voting Intensify for scum MVP because they are absolutely doing a great job at pulling the wool over your eyes.

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I dont know
I really dont DX

I’ll need to reread everything from start to finish and reconsider everyone from the ground up

voting someone who has scummy content but is present in the thread makes more sense than voting someone who has no content and is not present in the thread

Plus I’d like to add that I had a townlean on Derps D1 because of the way he handled my wagon.

Not just because he cleared me, but because he actually listened to what I said on Marl. That seemed like town Derps to me.

D2 he had much less of a presence because he was there for SoD and didn’t come back for EoD, so I want to give him a chance to explain himself before policy voting him out.

I don’t think both PKR and Derps are scum, as I’ve said several times before, so if we vote out Shurian today, we decide between PKR and Derps tomorrow. I don’t see anything wrong with that plan.

I was about to actually do something in thread and decided against it because of just.

the “mood” in thread rn

catch yall later


way to avoid being pocketed lol

See you around Min.
I’m also popping off for a bit.

Gonna get some liquid courage into me

Nah man I’m extremely sane right now XD
Will never be clearer in this game

lol, I beat you to that
have fun, I think I’m hopping off too because this is really getting nowhere

it’s nearly 3 am
what am i doing here

like it just looks to be a 2v2 right now

Shurian & PKR vs. Arctic and me

and it doesn’t have me any less convinced of my reads so I’m gonna roll with my original plan unless you come up with some sort of astounding 2000 IQ case on Derps that you can make me buy.

Yes, my pocket as totally scum is on Min, the confirmed JOAT because I would not want to attack someone confirmed. Sure.



that is actually completely not what I had in mind but ok, thanks for the TMI or something I guess.

they’re gonna die anyways