[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!


Well it’s Min, Eli and Wind.

I would include Light and Arc… as well i guess in the “Yeah no we don’t lonch these almost ever”

Uh okie dokie

I think we have mechclears in Min Eli and Arctic

so Derps’ push on me has somehow resulted in people not wanting to push him back? that’s interesting
but fine, if you want to leave his slot for another day, we can do that. Just know that if/when I die, I’ll flip town anyway. If Derps is actually also town then I have a lot of reconsidering to do.

Which means scum is forced to kill in there essentially



I don’t remember him being a confirmed Joat

Scum won’t kill me if scum wants to continue to push me.

Arctic was MD’d by min.

Bad news is we have no more potential to stop kills
Gj for 2/2 joats


What does that tell us tho. That only says Arc didn’t perform the kill this night if he was scum.

Kek all I can think about rn is Eevee saying the JoATs are useless and essentially named townies :^)

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This is notable that the JoAT can use an ability and kill in the same night

So Arc isn’t cleared
Just less likely… and if we flip another goon, he’s essentially cleared.

That’s true I guess

If yet to see anything about why I’m top wolf

Like I was inactive one day because of holiday lol

yeah, it’s only a one-night clear, but it was the night Eevee got killed.

I was actually wondering why the scum was trying so hard to target the joats, and i still have not figured out why.

but we know when they roleblocked, and the other two abilities are redundant given that we all know who the joats are
except if the mafia were totally unaware of who the joats were.

he’s cleared for not having used any actions on N2, I thought that’s all that was said?
but also, knowing Arctic, he wouldn’t target Eevee twice and then target min.

Because OwO intensifies

I have almost no knowledge of Arctic

judging by his mocking reactions to the missed night kills? he wouldn’t be scum in this game.