[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Min is scum they’re not solving


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Min what have I done that’s scummy

Disregard wind looking at me as an individual

when did I ever say Maple wasn’t solving? You said that I’m not solving. I did say you weren’t solving because you literally have done nothing this whole game besides either accuse me of being scum, or vote Light because “underwhelming”

1 + 1 = 2

There you go I am solving, put me as locktown

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You haven’t even been in thread so I can’t even barely tell

I have 300 posts

I’m waiting for Arctic’s wallpost tbh
I don’t think this conversation is helping anything besides that it’s convincing me Derps really is scum
and if he’s not, you can vote me out if you feel like it, but I’m still town so it would be a waste of a day.

  1. you have 250.
  2. min has like 500

You’ve been active like today.

I have like 800 lol
oh I must be a wolf because all my posts are bullshit

maybe not the best example
but still

I was active D1 D2 was Christmas lmfao D3 ended early not my fault

Lol wait

i think our problem is that you aren’t memorable this game
which is argueably more valuable than # of posts

I’m not even using Derps’ post count as an argument anymore, he’s not even solving right now
like he’s present in the thread but he has done nothing besides say “Wind is wolf because she’s not solving” and that is literally his only argument

Except activity is entirely NAI for me

but saying that I’m not solving does not suddenly make you look like you’re solving

In trying to figure out the case against me atm

What is wolf about this???

agenda pushing