[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

the issue after that, would be finding the last wolf in the 2v1

but who would you pair with Maple as a scumteam? that would simply mean that nobody except for Min and Eli is clear from being potential scum.

pretty much yeah, a lot of people can be scum with maple
thatā€™s another reason why i donā€™t want to hit maple because it doesnā€™t do much for us

you know what, actually, I remember that thing PKR mentioned about all the wolves being lost wolves in response to something I said. Iā€™m very much wondering if they actually arenā€™t chatting with each other because the kills look so uncoordinated, if itā€™s not just a big brain play.

imo Maple would be the most dangerous wolf out of any of the remaining players and Iā€™d want them out sooner rather than later. Theyā€™re experienced and capable of good scum plays.

i feel like if they have little thread presence then they have little presence in wolf chat too, so naturally they are going to be uncoordinated

if maple was mafia and we killed them now, it would give us less time to figure out who was mafia with them

i mean, we would have more time, but less content to go off

I donā€™t think uncoordinated is the right wordā€¦ since scum have to agree on the kill together I believeā€¦

Also Arc will you hammer SDA after this conversation is done to fix EOD?

wouldnā€™t a normal scum team function by filling each other in, though? thereā€™s just something off about all of this, like weā€™re expected to scumread everyone with low activity because theyā€™re LHF and easy to push because of the night kills. they have to agree on the kill target as Intensify said, so they canā€™t literally be afk the entire night unless they donā€™t have a chat. I think itā€™s a setup.

I disagree. Maple pops in and hammers at inconvenient times, and voting them earlier would prevent that.

couldnā€™t one just suggest who to kill and if the other doesnā€™t disagree then itā€™ll go through

that would just beā€¦ a bad scumteam. I know in FoL weā€™re capable of bad townplays, but are we also capable of equally bad scumplays?

it does feel like maple is trying to pocket me sometimes, and their readlist is pretty boring but i canā€™t really complain when i agree with it


Inb4 this setup is bastard and all scum are lost wolves

No I think. I think scumplay is decent on this site for the most part. People can replicate their meta and act towny on their own accord.

it feels like maple pocketed all of the joats plus us, and their readlist matches ours because it has all the least active players at the bottom of it. thatā€™s what I donā€™t like about it. itā€™s too convenient.

lol oh god i hope not

this is what i want to say, but like i canā€™t exactly complain about them having a readlist i agree with
since for the most part you do as well

I still donā€™t know why Maple is alive at all. Like I understand theyā€™re probably a good player but theyā€™ve done some anti-towny stuff

when everyone was asked to list their reads, their towncore, or their PoE, it more or less matched up except for PKRā€™s (and probably Derps but Derps is just lol afk).

and I think when almost everyone agrees on their reads but we get 2 MLā€™s in a row, and the MLā€™s are people who donā€™t agree with the general readlist, that tells me that someone whoā€™s pushing the general readlist is actually scum.