[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

wind i hope you’re getting this on camera

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this is the big day

K… explain the death of Eevee night 2 then… if me and Light were somehow scum… why would we kill Eevee instead of just trying to miss the nightkill again to further prove this idea? Also wasn’t the idea of scum being inactive presented day 3ish?

Ok so… I was about to go ISO wind… but then I saw that he has almost 1000 posts… holy crap Wind how the hell do you have 1000 posts while at the same time wallposting every 5 posts.

you needed eevee to die because he townread maple
maple was the person you (and light) were setting up for the mislynch in lylo


Uh huh… for lylo huh… then my next question is… why kill eevee so early then if supposedly me and Light were planning for Maple to be lylo mislonch. Why not kill Eevee later and do something else more productive that night?

light was talking about how we couldn’t lose because it would be a combination of me, him and you
this is implicating wind as mafia with PKR once maple flips town


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That doesn’t answer my damn question.

so everyone forgot why maple was townread?..
you and light have been pushing maple in unison

and let’s not forget the main reason maple isn’t scum here
maple switched his vote to PKR stopping the rand between wind and marl, making sure marl died

So we’re ignoring how they’ve been hammering people and how they’ve done nothing to really contribute so far?

Mostly floof

If you believe scum are big brain, what’s to say that Maple could’ve been scum that purposely did that to bus his partner for towncred.

So as the famous Danganronpa protagonist would say… “TAKE THAT”

Wait no… that was Phoenix Wright… wrong character

Ok did Arc just suddenly disappear after I countered his argument… odd.

Partial ISO on Intensify

Remember this at the start of D4? Before we went for voting Derps out. There is definitely scum on the wagon and I still haven’t figured out how to read it. Now that I’m thinking about this, Min thought Intensify could be scum specifically because they voted on Maple, and Min thought it was a distraction off voting Derps. But it was very likely the opposite and meant to make us think it was a distraction off Derps. Scum has been sneaky with their reverse psychology tactics in this game, and to be perfectly honest, I think Light is more likely to pull it off than Intensify. I might be wrong anyway, and if both Light and Intensify are scum then we’re boom bye town-ing on Maple. I don’t know if any of these three usually pocket people in their metas, but the only pocketing I’d see here is Intensify possibly pocketing me, or one of Intensify/Light pocketing the other.

I’m still going through their ISOs and mining them for info as I write this, so this post is like a live tracker on my thoughts.

I forgot I said this, and I’m going to go back to forgetting I said it because I don’t think it’s necessarily AI for Light. I’m giving him too much towncred for things I have to question now.

This right here is an interesting point, though. I’m just a lot slower at reading these conclusions than everyone else because my head has been stuck up a tunnel for days.

If scum pulled an easy setup by pushing both Derps and Maple as LHF, then I don’t think we should vote Maple yet. I don’t know where the fuck Maple is or why they haven’t come back to defend themselves, and I don’t know if that’s AI whatsoever, but although the wolfiness of their actions this whole game has been bothering me, the way scum has set up 3 MLs in a row is also bothering me. If we’re wrong on who we lynch today, the game goes into MyLo, right?

Going back to Intensify’s ISO, I see them first scumleaning on Marl, then relaxing it a little and scumreading Maple. Kept a scumread on Maple, especially when Maple cc’d JoaT in the weird way that they did. They ended the day by unvoting amidst the JoaT chaos and leaving (but before Eli outed). Then they voted Maple at the start of D2 and remained unconvinced that Maple was town:

But once Maple gave their reasons for pushing me on D1, Intensify unvoted them and decided to vote Shurian instead for pressure.

This is when I posted my timeline to analyze the D1 JoaT claim fiasco. I see that Intensify didn’t think it was a strong reason to clear people, although they agreed for different reasons on my reads.

[quote=“Intensify, post:2201, topic:85229”]

Intensify did legitimately express doubt about the scumteam being as dumb as Arctic and I were assuming, and much earlier than I have for sure.

This is somewhat of interest. Shurian said, as I did, to ignore whatever Marl may or may not have spewed people as. I still think we should stick with this, but the only person currently in my PoE out of anyone that Marl mentioned is Maple, and I’m thinking I might not want to yeet Maple yet. Why? Because I was thinking Maple was likely the most dangerous of the potential scumteam, but if one of Light/Intensify is scum with them, then I actually think they’re more dangerous because whichever one it is is deepwolfing and will be even harder to find in MyLo/LyLo.

Saying not to ignore what Marl said doesn’t really seem like something scum would say, since it’s an analytical thing (and I think scum would rather just not say anything at all), but I could be wrong about it.

Anyway, Intensify unvoted Shurian after that and voted Illwei because Arctic said to wagon her:

Intensify memevoted Min, then went back to voting Illwei because Illwei didn’t produce any content during that time and none of the rest of us objected to yeeting Illwei. Nothing particularly AI here, imo.

Then we go back to something I’ve been bringing up lately about the Maple townclear:

Intensify, what are your thoughts on the whole “too wolfy to be wolf” thing now?

So at least twice in this game, Intensify has tried to stop fights from clogging up the thread. That seems like a more towny thing to do, since scum would probably prefer the thread to be clogged up with town accusing town (which is what most of this has been, hasn’t it?) and let us continue to derail the thread with bad reads and finger-pointing.

Here’s Intensify’s ISO on Light. Intensify has fairly consistently townread Light throughout the game. Earlier in the other half of the wallpost, they ISO’d Shurian’s slot as well and concluded that Shurian had a towny tone but content-wise looked scummy. They said Shurian looked worse than before the ISO, but they didn’t say exactly where in their reads Shurian would end up.

And Light is not in the towncore, but Maple is. I’ve been scrolling all the way through Intensify’s ISO and I think I missed the part where Intensify must’ve decided that Maple really does have to be town.

So after scumleaning on Shurian, they put pressure on both Shurian and Maple by voting Maple first.

I’m not going to fault Intensify for questioning this, because I also questioned when Shurian said it, and I only understood it after their flip (and especially now after Derps’s flip).

I still had (and still have) more of a townlean on Intensify because they seemed to have put effort into those ISO’s (claimed to take about 3 hours for that wallpost), but I need to ISO Light and compare my conclusions.

Anyway I was going to continue this ISO but I’ve gotten interrupted at least 5 times now by various people who want me to do stuff and I accidentally clicked off the post I was on, so now I’ve completely lost track and I don’t feel like finding my place again. Meh. I’ll move on and ISO Light next, but not until everyone stops interrupting me lol.

Time to catch up on whatever the rest of you were writing while I was trying to finish this.

you don’t buss your partner d1 by going off of a town wagon to another town wagon to stop a rand… you buss your partner by directly going onto their wagon for the most towncred possible

no i left for 5 minutes, jeez

So, we exe Maple just to check that some big brain shit isn’t going on and if wrong then we win by getting Light and Intensify?

or we could just kill in light/intensify since maple isn’t mafia

Eh, idk.
I think we need to make sure.
I’ve been big brained by Maple before.

They’re a notorious ToS player.
If wrong, I’ll apologise to them.