[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

trust me and stop tunnelling Maple today. We deal with Maple tomorrow, if anything.


if maple is somehow town i will scream
but that never happens

look at the thread activity.
we wagon Maple, Maple doesn’t even show up to yeet themselves with a hammer. No defense, no nothing. Everyone thinks they’re scum. I went to sleep thinking they were scum but I unvoted to avoid a hammer.
we start to wagon Intensify and throw shade on Light, and both of them show up to defend themselves.
See the difference? Talk about a reaction test…

honestly it shouldn’t really matter what happens today(?)

if intensify/light flips scum, kill the other tomorrow
if they flip town then we’ll kill maple obviously

if maple flips scum, we have another day to re-eval
if maple flips town, intensify and light are lockscum

so we should be fine so long as eli doesn’t continue… this

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the “no resistance” arguement is flawed

read Arctic’s post above
that’s what I’m aiming for as well. Get one of Intensify/Light today. NOT MAPLE.

either alignment wants to self-pres 99% of the time
so if they don’t it’s NAI

as long as maple comes and places a vote, then we don’t even need eli on board
since PKR will be on intensify as well

b r u h
if i’m correct and we don’t win i will s c re a m

… wouldn’t that make the strategy even more dangerous and pointless? Newbies are random as hell… and them actually thinking of this idea is rare.

So wtf was the point of the strategy?

Ok… but why the hell would they miss the second nightkill on purpose to push this point when town was already on the tracks of lonching within the inactive PoE and no one ever shedding doubts on it?

Scum shouldn’t rely on luck… that’s just stupid, especially for a strategy like this where they need to be super lucky.

No, but I don’t believe your theory since there’s holes in it.

I did?

I posted my thoughts on why scum big braining us and intentionally missing nightkills didn’t make sense.

And you don’t think that was totally because those were the 3 Joat claims?

This isn’t a good defense for Maple at all…
@EliThePsycho can explain why.

Not a good defense for Maple for the last time.

Wdym I haven’t pushed them, I have. Except you always said to mislonch X over Maple or whatever crap and I listened cause I thought your reasons are genuinely good. You’ve actually prevented me from truly pushing on Maple due to you insiting on your PoE.

Because I’m not the type of townie to believe my own read is always 100% correct and no room for doubt. I listen to others, I’m not stubborn about their own reads and won’t re-eval. However though, I’m not very pleased when me and someone else I read as town are pushed as scummates just because the obvious scum did some wierd voting stuff day 1 and that’s it, whereas we have better reasons to be townread for.

So we had no influence with you reads on us at all. together, your reads on us were indivually made and Light or me didn’t try to influence you to read each other more as town…

So how come you didn’t bring up this point for like all the other 3 people we’ve mislonched?

And if… Maple flips town… ? Wouldn’t you get a similar conclusion then, where it has to me and Light? So what’s the difference?

That iself is scummy as hell then?

Bruh I was there when you guys were wagoning me what is this…

if maple self-votes though lol
but I guess if we know that 2/3 of Intensify/Light/Maple are scum, even if we misyeet today we’re ok as long as we get the other 2?
unless, of course, some combination of PKR/you/me are dead by then and someone else is steering the votes.

i should probably take a bit to calm down

my views will not change

We yeet Maple today

It doesn’t matter which one out of me/Intensify/Arctic dies, you and PKR should instantly be crossvoting, and not doing so should be taken as openwolfing.

If scum, tomorrow is a 4v1. Even if they don’t kill Eli tonight, they are still forced to do it tomorrow night unless they want to go into a 2v1 LyLo with a mechconfirmed individual.

You fucking happy?

Fucking Christ.

yeah honestly.

I’m done with this pre-flipping bullcrap, we’ve gone through this stupid pointless process for like 5 hours now, and we don’t even know wtf Maple is…

because if mafia showed they started paying attention, then we would realise that the N1 kill was a one-off and would widen the PoE to more aware people

no luck was needed
you already knew that’s the direction that the thread was headed in because of our early thoughts about scum being inactive

nice pocket attempt lol

whoa, hang on a second
you’ve never shown any resistance to lynching our previous PoE in favour of lynching maple
you’ve just been scumreading maple in the background while letting everyone else get ML’ed

10/10 townplay right here
if i had this mindset then we would have lost already

if maple is town you and intensify are lockscum